This Saturday is our campus cleanup day from 8-10. We need help inside and outside of the building with the following: weed eating, litter pickup, sidewalk blowing, window cleaning inside, wiping of interior hallway walls and rails, wiping the tops of lockers and cabinets in the hallways, putting up bulletin board paper on bulletin boards in the hallways and in classrooms, moving furniture to the small gym from one classroom, helping set up Mr. West’s classroom (he had spinal surgery last week) and Ms. Rawson’s classroom (she injured her back last week), etc. We can be in and out in two hours with your help!

Matador Transitions for incoming 5th graders is next Thursday, July 28th, from 9 until 3. Check in begins at 8:20. We will also have a parent coffee and a Q & A session in the cafeteria beginning at 9:00 if you wish to stay. We will provide pizza and snacks for the students.

The first day of school is Monday, August 8th! School opens at 8:30 a.m. There will be no before school study hall that morning but there will be early morning Spanish class for incoming 5th graders from Glendale Spanish Immersion School. Students will find their homeroom teacher on the posted lists and will go to their homerooms. Students will receive their schedules in their homeroom classes. Students will be issued lockers this year. Students cannot put their own locks on the lockers.

Please see my previous email concerning school supplies. All students will be uses the AVID system of organization. The list I previously sent said students will need a 4-inch binder. A 3-inch binder is sufficient. If you did not receive that email, email me and I will send it to you.

Please review the dress code and cell phone policies with your children.

We can’t wait to see your children! Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance.


Dr. Gary D. Hughes, Executive Principal, JT Moore Middle School