Dear Matador Families,
It’s Friday afternoon and the weekend is here! I wanted to remind you that next Thursday is the last day of school for the first 9 week grading period and next Friday is the first day of fall break! Students have until next Thursday to complete and turn in assignments, missing work, and take retakes. Teachers will be finalizing grades next Friday.
Students will return to school on Monday, October 18th. There will be no afternoon activities next Thursday. Thus, students who are car riders will need to be picked up no later than 4:05 in the car line.
Finally, I want to thank each of you who have donated to our INVEST in Your CHILD Campaign this year! Our campaign runs through this weekend and we are only $3000 away from our goal of $100,000! If you have not joined us in contributing to this critical fundraising event for our community school and you are financially able to do so, we would greatly appreciate your contribution. Each dollar matters and every dollar goes to support the many great things we do here at JT Moore. If you would like to make a pledge or donation, please click on this link while remembering that “Together, we are MOORE!”
Support JTM – J.T. Moore Middle School (
Have an incredible weekend! At JT Moore Middle School, we defy gravity…one child at a time.
Dr. Gary D. Hughes, Executive Principal, JT Moore Middle School