The 2022-23 school year is a month away and we wanted to send out a supply list that will be the same for all grade levels. This year, our school will be teaching all students organizational skills via the AVID (Achievement Via Individual Determination) method. (Our school will also be starting two AVID classes that will be held during the RTI period. There will be one class in the 6th grade and one in the 7th grade.)
All students need the following:
- 4-inch binder
- 2 packages of colorful binder dividers
- At least two sharpened pencils (or mechanical pencils)
- At least two colorful highlighters
- An eraser (either a normal block one or a pencil topper)
- Sticky Notes
- Index cards
- Colored pencils
- Loose-leaf paper
- 6 notebooks
For guidance on how to set up your binder for the beginning of the school year, please see this website:
How to Set Up an AVID Binder (with Pictures) – wikiHow