Dear JT Moore Matador Families,
We are cautiously excited about the return of students whose parent/guardian chose in-person instruction for them on the November survey. We are looking forward to having our empty building come back to life in the coming weeks!
Here is the schedule for the return of students to JT Moore:
Tuesday, February 9
Students with IEPs who attended West End Middle in the fall
Wednesday, February 17
Asynchronous day for 5th graders/teachers returning to in-person
Thursday, February 18
5th grade returns to JTM building
Wednesday, February 24
Asynchronous day for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders/teachers returning to in-person. High school Integrated Math I, II, and Spanish I and II WILL meet.
Thursday, February 25
6th, 7th, and 8th grade students return to JTM building
Important Reminders:
- School starts at 8:55 and ends at 3:55
- The building opens at 8:40 a.m. Students cannot be dropped off early unless enrolled in the YMCA Fun Company or early morning study hall (information coming in separate email).
- Parents and visitors are not allowed in the building except for PTO Executive Board.
- Students will self-scan their temperatures upon entering the building using the automated temperature check machines.
- Students must wear their masks over their mouths and noses for the entire time that they are on the school campus except for times when eating breakfast and lunch. Failure to follow this requirement will result in suspension or expulsion from school.
- Students cannot eat or drink in the classrooms.
- Students will not have lockers. Students will need to have all materials and supplies with them in their bookbags upon entering the school. Students will hang their backpacks on the backs of their chairs.
- Students will remain in their homeroom classroom for the duration of the school day except for related arts time. Teachers will rotate instead.
- Students enrolled in physical education (PE) will not dress out and will not be permitted in locker rooms.
- Car riders will be dismissed from their homerooms as parents arrive and names are called. Students must exit the building and move directly to their vehicle once their names are called.
- Bus riders will be dismissed by bus number. Students must wear their masks at all times while riding the busses. Failure to do so will result in the loss of bus riding privileges.
- Cell phones are to be turned off and put away while on school busses and while inside of the school building.
- Students are to bring their laptop computers and chargers with them to school each day. We will provide laptop cases to students on the first day back in the building.
I will be sending additional informational emails in the coming days. One email that I will be sending involves early morning study hall. We have been limited to 50 students. We will unfortunately not be able to accommodate every parent seeking early morning study hall for their children.
We have received several requests for changes in previously made choices regarding in-person and virtual learning. Unfortunately, we are not able to change in-person/virtual instructional delivery preferences. The selection made by families in December was final so that we could schedule and align our teachers and staff to meet our families’ needs. Changing preference at this point is not possible because it requires reallocation of staffing and instructional resources. Not being able to change your selection was shared in, and prior to, the December parent decision survey. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Please let us know if we can support you in any other way.
If you do not remember whether your child is to remain virtual or is to return to the school building, please email me and I will be happy to give you that information. Please do not send your child to the school building if your child is not scheduled for in-person learning. This would be embarrassing and upsetting to you and me and hurtful for your child.
Finally, I am just giddy about kids coming back to the building! I apologize for the tone and length of this email. I hate “RULES” emails but they are necessary so that we are all on the same page. We must ensure that our faculty, staff, and returning students operate in a safe manner that reduces the risks associated with the transmission of Covid-19.
Dr. Gary D. Hughes, Executive Principal, John Trotwood Moore Middle School