Dear Matador Families,

Mark your calendars: Student led conferences are right around the corner. Our students have been diligently working to compile a portfolio of their best work to share with you.

On Friday, October 29th, JTM teachers and faculty will facilitate conferences with families virtually through Microsoft Teams. Grade-level teams will be reaching out this week with information about schedules and signing up.

For those of you unfamiliar with the SLC process (and for those familiar with the process, but would just like a refresher), please view the following video: You can also find more information by visiting this site.

To incorporate more families and to ensure everyone’s health and safety during the ongoing pandemic, we are hosting all conferences virtually. Though each grade may have slightly different expectations, we anticipate that students will sit with their parent or guardian in front of their computer to share their work while a teacher monitors and supports the student from afar. Yes, this is different than before, but what hasn’t changed over the past 18 months. It’s been a year+, but your students are working hard and they deserve an opportunity to share their growth with you.

Thanks for your support!  We’re looking forward to seeing you on October 29th.

Colin Hunt
Dean of Instruction