The school year is coming to an end and our 8th grade graduation ceremony is scheduled for Monday, May 24th! The ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. in the school auditorium. I am sorry to say that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, only students who are participating in the event will be able to attend. We will be videotaping the graduation and will send the link out for the YouTube video for families to watch that evening. The 8th grade team and PTO are working on other activities for graduation day here at school for the students before the 2 p.m. ceremony.

Students participating in the graduation ceremony will need to purchase the cap and gown using the following link to order:

May 10th is the last day to order your cap and gown for it to get shipped to us in time for graduation day.

If you cannot afford the cap and gown, please email Dr. Miyoka Jones and she will order it for you. Please note that students who have failed two or more subjects for the year will not participate in the graduation ceremony. If you do not know if your child is failing two or more courses, please contact me at [email protected] and I can let you know for sure. I strongly encourage any student at any grade level at JT Moore who is failing math or reading this year attend the MNPS Promising Scholars summer school program in June. Here is the link to sign up for this free program: Promising Scholars – Metro Nashville Public Schools (

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Gary Hughes.